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"Start Sailing" Course

Start sailing is an introduction to the sailing sport course, covering the minimum knowledge required to get afloat under supervision. At the end of the course, you will gain basic skills to sail a boat. 

Duration: 2 days

"Advance Sailing" Course

At the end of the advance sailing course you will develop techniques to sail independently. You will learn how to handle the boat in all circumstances and solve problems afloat.

Duration: 5 days

"Racing Sailing" Course

The racing sailing is an intensive building of skills needed in racing environment. The course involves the sailors in enjoyable exercises designed to build confidence and to improve skills through practice.  

Duration: 4-7 days 

All courses include theoretical and practical activities: Theoretical activities are usually a briefing or lecture before and after the practical part. Depending on the course, the practical part is conducted on different types of sailing boats - dinghy's or keelboat's. Dinghy sailing is a great way to start managing a sailing boat by yourself. The dingy's used for the practice are stable and easy to operate as gives you a taste of a joy and pleasure while you go sailing. The keelboats are larger than the dingy and have a fixed ballast keel that prevents the yacht from capsizing.

Our Expertise:

Training Programmes & Courses

Clinics & Seminars

Training Camps

Sailing Training

Regatta Support 


Interested to know more about our sailing services and rates?




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